Welcome New Jersey Electric and Gas Customers!

New Jersey Electric Rates and Suppliers
Make the Switch USA is the leading resource for New Jersey electricity and gas customers to easily compare and switch to lower New Jersey electric rates with competitive energy suppliers in your utility area. By selecting the plan of your choice and switching to that supplier, you can start saving money on your energy bills each month. It is an easy process for customers and saves you money. Compare NJ electric and gas rates.

In addition there are many benefits you can take advantage of when switching suppliers including:
- Lower your electricity and gas costs each month
- You can choose from fixed rates, variable rates and green energy plans
- The utility continues to deliver your power, provide maintenance and send you your bill
- There will not be any interruption in your service
- Your new supplier will notify any previous supplier or utility that you have switched
- It is FREE and EASY to switch and save!
Items you will need to switch suppliers:
- A recent copy of your utility bill (electric and/or gas)
- A few minutes to switch
Compare NJ electric rates.
Compare NJ natural gas rates.
Overview of New Jersey’s Competitive Electricity and Gas Market
In the late 1990’s, New Jersey passed legislation to open up the energy industry to competitive energy suppliers and provide New Jersey electricity and gas customers with a choice of who they use for their energy supply. For over a decade now, the deregulated energy market in New Jersey has seen a lot of success and saved residents and businesses millions of dollars a year for the same energy. There are many different suppliers to choose from as well as various rate plans whether it be fixed, variable or promotional rates.
Each year, the awareness continues to build and the number of residents and businesses that have switched from the utility continues to increase. There are several benefits for New Jersey customers to switch suppliers including that there are no fees to switch, no interruption in service, you receive the same bill from your utility but can lower your supply costs for the same energy.
All residential, small commercial, large commercial and industrial customers in New Jersey can switch suppliers. Compare New Jersey electric rates or Receive a Commercial Quote.
Read more about New Jersey Deregulation
New Jersey Electric Utilities Include:
PSE&G - Electric
Jersey Central Power & Light
Rockland Electric
Atlantic City Electric
New Jersey Gas Utilities Include:
PSE&G - Gas
Elizabethtown Gas
New Jersey Natural Gas
South Jersey Gas