Electric and gas deregulation in New Jersey allows customers to choose from competitive energy suppliers different from the utility to provide electric and/or gas supply while the utility continues to deliver it, provide maintenance services and manage the billing process. The transportation and delivery of your energy remains regulated by the state of New Jersey.
New Jersey deregulated their electric and gas industries in the late 1990’s providing retail access to consumers who wanted to shop for new electric suppliers and lower their energy bills. In order for a competitive environment to develop, they required the utilities to unbundle their services and sell off their generation assets in order to purchase power on the wholesale market along side their new competitors.

New Jersey residents and businesses are continuously learning that they have the power to choose which competitive natural gas and electricity supplier to use and experience significant savings on their monthly energy bills. No fees to switch, no interruption in service - just lower rates.
Currently, only about 20% of New Jersey’s electric customers have switched and only 10% of natural gas customers. However, with savings of approximately 20% on electric and gas rates in various New Jersey utility territories, New Jersey residents and businesses will continue to switch to competitive suppliers and experience significant savings around the state. Compare electric and gas rates in New Jersey.
- PSE&G - Electric
- Jersey Central Power & Light
- Rockland Electric
- Atlantic City Electric
- PSE&G - Gas
- Elizabethtown Gas
- New Jersey Natural Gas
- South Jersey Gas